Delivery Information

All products shown as being in stock are ready to despatch with fast and free delivery.

Despatch time

We pack orders 7 days per week and despatch same or next day depending on the day and time ordered. All orders are packed and despatched by ourselves and we do not use third party fulfilment services.
If you order Monday-Friday before 1pm, your order will be packed and despatched the same day.
If you order after 1pm or on a weekend or holiday, your order will despatched the next working day.

Delivery methods

We only use quality couriers such as Royal Mail, DPD, FedEx and UPS. Orders weighing under 2kg are sent via Royal Mail and orders above 2kg are sent via the most appropriate courier for your delivery address. We do not use budget couriers such as Evri or Yodel.

Tracking and insurance

All orders are sent fully tracked and insured.
As soon as we generate the postage label you will be sent full tracking details including a clickable link to view your online parcel tracking.

Delivery speed

We despatch all orders using "next day" delivery services such as Royal Mail Tracked 24 and FedEx next-day.
Please note that these are delivery aims rather than guarantees and parcels sometimes take a little longer to arrive, especially during peak times.

Highlands, Islands, and NI

Free delivery also includes the Scottish Highlands, Islands and Northern Ireland. Please allow a little extra time for your order to arrive if you live in one of these locations.

Parcel not received

If your parcel is running late and the tracking page isn't helping, please contact us so we can investigate for you.
If your parcel is marked as being delivered but you don't have it, please check locations where it may have been left such as behind bins, round the back of the house etc. If you can't find it please let us know as the couriers use GPS to record the delivery location and we will investigate.